ENGR 128: Engineering Fundamentals II
(Fall 2023)
Prof. Claudio Freitas, PhD
Email: cfreitas [at] pfw[dot] edu
Office: ET 327A
Office hours: TBD or by appt or when door is open
Reading assignments will be assigned every week, plus a few papers/videos to add details. There will be several programming assignments. Grading will be on class projects, some pop quizzes, and class participation. Class participation will be expected, as this class will be held in a "active learning" style. Students will be expected to come to class prepared for discussion and problem solving.
It will be assigned every week.
Course and Evaluation
This class will be held in a hybrid format using active learning approaches. Students are expected to read material ahead of time and come to class prepared to solve problems. Some classes will focus on traditional lectures, but many sessions will involve short lectures broken up by time spent solving problems, asking questions, and engaging in discussion. These are the "mentoring sessions" and class participation is a required component of your grade. Even if you know the material, you are expected to come to class to participate in discovery of new knowledge, whatever level you have already attained.
The homework assignments will consist mostly of programming problems and interaction with the Matlab GUI. Unless specifically stated otherwise in the assignment, all homeworks must be completed individually. I encourage you to study in groups for better understanding, but copying code is plagiarism and will not be tolerated for final assignments.
TURN IN YOUR OWN CODE! Coding style is important and will affect your grade!! Read the "Coding Style" section of the website before turning in your code.
Due dates for labs and assignments are strict: Just as in the real world, you can turn things in late, but there is a penalty for lateness. Often, a time will be specified in the assignment, but if they are handed in during class, they will be considered late 5 minutes after the start of the class on the specified due date. A penalty of 15% will be deducted from your score for each 24-hour period your assignment is late.
All assignments turned in more than 5 minutes after the start of class will be considered late. I do not want you to miss the "mentor sessions" in order to complete your assignment! All assignments must have your name. Unless otherwise announced in class, all quizzes will be open book and notes, and held in the regular classroom at the regular class time.
A midterm and final exam are planned. Graded homework assignments, quizzes, exams and projects will be returned to you during the "mentor sessions" in class. Evaluation for Matlab Programming will consist of:
Midterm: 30%
Final Exam: 40%
Homework: 30%
Coding Style
It will be assig
It will be assig