ENGR 128: Engineering Fundamentals II
(Fall 2022)
Submission Guidelines
Please read all of this information very carefully to receive full credit. These policies apply to all work submitted in this course unless otherwise noted on a specific assignment. The point of these policies is to ensure you get the credit you deserve for your work, so please double-check them before you submit anything.
Each submission should contain a single PDF document (“Lab report”), a collection of Matlab m-files, and any data files the assignment requires (figures, or Matlab mat-files).
Lab report
Please make sure you attach the Program Development Worksheet to document your code.
Download Program Development Worksheet
Recommended tool to work with PDF: https://www.ilovepdf.com/
For code files, include this information in a comment header for each file.
Format each question in its own script as shown below. If there are no clear partitions to an assignment question (e.g. 1a, 1b, 1c), feel free to use sections anyway to break up the script a bit and make it easier for us to read.
You should include an appropriately named m-file for each programming question, as well as any specific files that questions require (e.g., question2c.m or getT.m). M-files should read all required inputs (images, mat-files) from inside a directory with name data at the top-level of the ZIP archive, which should also include any other data files the assignment requires. M-files should run without error and files that cause errors may not be graded.
Fall 2022 Course Materials
Course Description
This second course in engineering fundamentals continues the introduction to engineering applications, analysis, experimentation, and design with a focus on the application of mathematical analysis. The course’s project studio emphasizes team work, project management, and communication with significant writing and speaking. A laboratory component introduces engineering computer tools for manipulation of data sets and structured programming. The course continues the overview of engineering majors and the engineering profession.
Class 14. Exam Review (Nov. 30) - 2nd Hackathon!
Due Date: November 30, 2022 (11:50 am)
Class 13. Thanksgiving (Nov. 23)
No class!!!!!!!
HW 6 (Poster on Brightspace after class)
Due Date: November 9, 2022 (10:00 am)
Class 07. Loops Pt. 2 (Oct. 5) ** Hackathon**
Homework 03 HERE
Due Date: September 28, 2022 (10:00am)
No homework this week :)
Homework 01 HERE
Due date: August 31, 2022 (10:00am)